
Nobody does it better than..

bonjour! hello! ciao! my first blog, first post! and too much things to say. i'm looking forward to expressing all my fashion finds, trends, and news! ttyl

Chanel is a gift from the fashion gods. the dress is perfection for this season, although i'm not feeling the tights. but what i do love is her two toned tights
Im totally feeling ricci's oversized blazer. i have got to get one of those! but sadly my $ is dwindling.

We all remember the winner of Season 5's Project Runway, LuAnn. her look was derived from the ocean waves which she incorporated delicately into her dresses. LuAnn is a fashion muse who deserves all the praise! Another topic i am dying to discuss!! SHOES!!

so i was googling Barbie's 50th birthday fashion show with designers such as juicy couture, betsy..etc, i came across their SHOES. and who designed for them? none other than CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN. i have to say, my heart stopped for about 30 seconds. the pink is actually a blend of many colors to create an almost metallic pink-orangeish